Who are we?

*In-person worship starting Easter, April 4, 2021*

The church is the people. Wherever two or three are gathered in Christ’s name, there he is found among us. In a time of pandemic, we gather online for prayers, worship, and fellowship. We also gather in physically-distanced committee meetings and mission work. We look forward to a time when we can gather together in a great big fellowship, with singing and hugging, Communion and Baptism, coffee and donuts. Until then, may our hospitality still be rich. May our relationships still be blessed. And may the church still be one in the Spirit.

Unity Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA), formed by two historic Presbyterian congregations ‘blending’ into one congregation on January 1, 2014. Together, we are led by God’s Spirit and growing in our faith. Join us in this new worshiping community – all are welcome!

“We are one family living in partnership with Christ, celebrating and sharing our faith; a community called, comforted and challenged by the word of God.  We will seek to continue the ministry of Christ with a compassionate awareness of the needs of others.”

1149 Hammond Avenue, Waterloo, IA